Selasa, 09 Juni 2009


So, waktu itu gue kerumah sodara gue kan ya.
Terus ada sodara gue, kelas 2sd gitu, dia tergila2 sama yang namanya..

High School Musical

Jadi bajunya itu gambar Gabriella Montez itu kan ya -_-

"WOW Gabriella"

"Iya aku suka Gabriella mbak Nis"

"oh ya? wowww, kalo cowonya kamu suka siapa?"

"aku suka Ryan"

"hah Ryan kan homo!"

"iya apa?"

"enggasih tapi gayanya homo"

"masa sih?"

"iya mendingan Troy"

"iya ya"

Setelah saat itu gue penasaran, apasih yang diliat dari HSM?
Gue tontonin terus tuh,
eh akhirnya gue ikutan juga deh -_-

High School Musical, um yea goodlah, not bad.
Well, I watched it 6 times already, ihihi.

I like High School Musical 3 though.


um, confession.

I like Zac Efron, sometimes.
But really, I HATE him when he "do the dance."
I like his face, though.
He really shouldn't play High School Musical in the first place.

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